Dot's Special Interests
social & cultural history
women of the goldfields
Eureka & democracy
shame & sexuality
welfare history
mystery, marks and masons
archives & record keeping
Victorian goldfields
prosopography & genealogy
Hidden Histories
- The Drummer Boy: A memorial Gravestone BUT he survived!
- The Female Refuge: Single Mums and their Babies
- Refuge Rescue & Reform
- Women of the Early Diggings
- Freemasons on the Goldfields
- Mysteries, Marks and Masons: Stonemasons' Marks
- Deaths at Eureka
- Women of Eureka
- The Voyage of the Artemisia
BHS Publishing
Directors Dr Dorothy Wickham, Clare Gervasoni and Wayne Phillipson established Ballarat Heritage Services in February 1998. The boutique publishing house uses the imprint BHS Publishing.
BHS Publishing has won many awards for works of its own authors as well as other esteemed authors. A sample below:
Victorian Community History Award 2000 (Wickham, Gervasoni & Phillipson. Eureka Research Directory)
Victorian Community History Awards 2005 (Overall Winner) (Corfield, Wickham & Gervasoni. The Eureka Encyclopaedia)
Australasian Printers' Guild Award 2005 (Silver Medal)
Prime Minister's Award for Australian History (nominated 2005)
Victorian Community History Award 2009 (Wickham. Women of the Diggings: Ballarat 1854)
Most of these titles can be purchased from Ballarat Heritage Services
- Index to Creswick Hospital In-Patient’s Register 1863- 1883, 4331 entries [microfiche] (1995)
- Deaths at Eureka (1996)
- In the Days When the World was Wide: A Narrative of Pioneering Experiences 1841-1856 (1996)
- From Humble Beginnings: The Early History of St Alipius (1997)
- Shot in the Dark: A pre-Eureka Incident (1998)
- Court in the Act: Ballarat East Petty Sessions 1858-59 (1998)
- Doggie Doings: Ballan Dog Registers with some Dog Stories 1871-73 (1998)
- Castlemaine Petitiona (1998)
- Eureka Research Directory (1998)
- Ballarat & District Pioneers Directory 1837-1855 (1998) Index to
- Ballarat Rate Assessment Books 1856-1864 [11 microfiche] (1998)
- Index Victorian School Children 1863 [microfiche] Mt Alexander
- District Directory of Old Settlers and Residents 1837-1856 (1999)
- The Eureka Flag (2000)
- A World Turned Upside Down: Cultural Change on Australia’s Goldfields 1851-2001 [Chapter one] (2001)
- ‘Beyond the Wall’: Ballarat Female Refuge: A Case Study in Moral Authority. Master of Philosphy (conferred 2003)
- Index to Victorian Goldfields hospitals’ admissions [electronic resource]: at Amherst, Ballarat, Castlemaine, Creswick, Dunolly, Kyneton, Maldon and Maryborough [contributor] (2003)
- Family History Research in the Central Goldfields of Victoria (2004)
- The Eureka Encyclopaedia (2004)
The Silent City: A History of Ballarat Cemeteries (2006) - Women of the Ballarat Diggings 1851-1871: A Case Study in Agency.
- Doctor of Philosophy (conferred 2008)
- Women of the Diggings: Ballarat 1854 (2009)
2010 - 2020
- Ballarat Views (2012)
- Freemasons on the Goldfields:
- Ballarat & District 1853-2013 (2013)
- Eureka (2014)
- Eureka’s Women (2014)
- Reflections: Ballarat East High School 1955-1965 (2015)
- Goldfields and the Gothic [Chapter] (2016)
- Pay Dirt: Ballarat & Other Gold Towns [editor-3 Chapters] (2019)
- 1853 Goldfields Petition (2020)
- The Story of Eureka [Introduced and annotated] (2020)
- St Alipius: From Humble Beginnings [updated] (2020)
- Deaths at Eureka [new edition] (2020)
- Eureka’s Fallen (2020)
- Pioneer Women (2020)
I love designing book covers, flyers and posters. I am passionate about colour and love to see what shades that can be made using swatches and Photoshop. It is so easy now to find fonts that enhance a subject and different to the 'old' days of calligraphy, pens, and Indian or red ink!
I've really enjoyed designing children's books for my grandkids and to see their faces when THEIR names are in their books. I particularly like One DARK Night where I've used photos of Ella, our border collie and Eddy who got nits in his hair and drank the shampoo instead of washing his hair in it. They are 'fun' books with a moral attached to them.
My three grandsons are an absolute joy in our lives. They have quite different personalities but they all love computers, maths, and music. Like my two children, they are loved more than they can ever know.

- CHHA Flyers and Banners
- BDGS Family History Days
- Eureka Reminiscences (1998)
- Among the Diggers (1999)
- From Back Creek to Talbot (Marie Kau, 2005)
- Visit of Mr John King, the explorer, to Talbot: Tuesday 4 February 1862 (Marie Kau, 2005)
- The Governor's Visit to Back Creek, Talbot: 17 October 1861 (Marie Kau, 2005)
- The Auld Hundred: Bacchus Marsh Presbyterians 1850-1945 (Barbara C. Manly, 2006)
- Deeper Leads: New Approaches to Victorian Goldfields History (Keir Reeves & David Nichols, eds, 2007)
- Carisbrook History Timeline (Elaine Murphy, 2008)
2010 - 2020
- Growing a Garden City: Ballarat Horticultural Society 1859-2009 (Michael Taffe, 2010)
- See How they Ring: Travelling Bellringers on the Australasian Popular Stage (Anne Doggett & Gwyn Gillard, 2011)
- A History of the Goulburn River Aboriginal Protectorate Station at Murchison, Victoria 1840-1853 (Ian D. Clark, 2013)
- Mullawallah: the Last King Billy of Ballarat (Janice Newton, 2014)
- Report for Ballarat Environmental network & 3-fold flyer (2014)
- Extending Mathematical Understanding: Intervention (Ann Gervasoni, 2015)
- In Search of Hidden Ancestors (Wendy Whitford, 2015)
- They Answered their Country's Call: Short Accounts of Service and Sacrifice from the Ballarat General Cemeteries (Garry Snowden, 2015)
- Reflections: Ballarat East High School 1955-1965 (Marilyn Townsend, Dorothy Wickham, Marie Bedggood, eds, 2015)
- Scots Under the Southern Cross (Fred Cahir, Alison Inglis & Anne Beggs-Sunter, eds, 2015)
- Pay Dirt: Ballarat & Other Gold Towns (Dorothy Wickham & Clare Gervasoni eds. 2019)
- Pioneers in Two Colonies: The Armytage Family in Australia 1816-1876 (Dennis Green, 2020)
Kid's Books