Unit 38 1856/155
Item 155
Mary Thorley
11 September 1856 at The George Hotel Ballarat
Death caused by drowning in the Yarrowee Creek on Wednesday the tenth inst
John smith Carver
Dugald McArthur
William Robinson
Andrew Davies
Francis Herring
William Waterhouse
Thomas Gerrard
Joseph Baling
Archibald Chalmers
William Herring
Joseph Johns
Henry Howard
Thomas Williams, blacksmith
I was passing over the Yarrowee Creek opposite Wilson’s store on the old Eureka. I saw a bonnet and the fringe of a shawl or cape floating on the surface of the water immediately below the log. There was another person passing at the same time and we both went to examine the shawl and bonnet and on seizing the dress we found them attached to the body of the deceased. We then took her out of the water and went for further assistance. The deceased was quite cold and lifeless. It was about five o’clock last evening that I found the deceased. The creek was there about three to four feet deep.
Thomas Williams (signed)
Daniel Sym Kelly
On yesterday evening about five o’clock I was passing the Yarrowee creek going towards Little Bendigo when the last witness (Williams) called out that there was a shawl or mantle in the creek and on examining and seizing it we found the body of the deceased which we took out of the creek. The deceased was quite cold and dead.
Daniel Sym Kelly (signed)
William Thorley – miner
I am the husband of the deceased and on yesterday morning I went to my work as usual at the Brownhill and did not return home until late last evening and then heard for the first time that my wife was found drowned in the creek and that her body was carried away to the Camp. I have seen the body and identify it as that of my wife. She was sixty years of age. She had been drunk the day before and was frequently so. And as often as she could get any liquor to drink.
William Thorley xxx his mark