Born 1847 Cape Town, South Africa
Died 25 April 1876, Ballarat Hospital, from burns, inquest
Per White Hart 1856, Roman Catholic, could neither read nor write
VPRS 516/P0000, 1992-2429 (1872-1874), Central Register of Female Prisoners, page 76, Prisoner 2066 Mary Williams alias Black Topsy, PROV. Note* There are two women named Mary Brown on the immigration lists for the White Hart. Both are aged 28 years in 1856. If she was born in 1847 she would have been 9 years of age in 1856. The original shipping lists need to be sighted.
1873- 4’10”, stout, coloured – under name: maybe a native
27 Feb 1873 received Ballarat Gaol
Ballarat gaol disorderly prostitute 27 Feb 1873-12 mths impris
Ballarat gaol improper language 29 Oct 1873 1 day solitary confinement. Freedom by remission 27 Nov 1873
8 Oct 1874 received Ballarat Gaol
Ballarat gaol stealing watch & chain 8 Oct 1874
5 Jun 1875 Breach of regulation 24 hours solitary confinement
3 Mar 1890 received Melbourne Gaol
Melbourne gaol 3 Mar 1890 idle & disorderly
VPRS 516/P0000, img77/465, p. 76 charge sheet 2066