Born 1848 Devonshire, England
Height 5 feet 61/2 inches, 10 stone 61/2 pounds, fair complexion, light brown hair and grey eyes.
Bridget had a short nose, small mouth, long chin and dark eyebrows.
Her visage was medium and forehead high.
She was born in 1848 in Devonshire RC and could both read and write.
Gaoled in Ballarat 22 January 1869 for vagrancy.
three previous convictions in Ballarat starting 1865.
She had a scar on her neck, 3 scars on left wrist and scar on left hand.
Per from Isle of France to Victoria about 1854 a child with parents. Father had been a soldier and subsequently in Police Force in Mauritius.
Single – Two sisters in the Colony – one at Ballarat.