Unit 38
Item 147
Margaret Eliza Black
3 Dec 1856
Held on the body of Margaret Eliza Black
Deceased died on the 2nd inst from natural causes we believe from convulsions
Deposition of Witnesses
Eliza Black
I was quite alone. My husband was at his work on night shift at Number Forty Hole on the White Horse Lead. I had not nay person near me that I could send for him as we had only lately come to this gully and we could not afford to engage and have the attendance of a medical man. The child came in its full time and appeared a strong healthy child but soon after birth she became very cross and irritable as if suffering from various pains. But on Monday afternoon last she commenced to be convulsive. The attacks were very frequent and continued all that afternoon and through the night until four o’clock on yesterday morning when she died.
Eliza Black xxx her mark
Witness present
James McAlpine
Robert Herny Black, miner
I am Father of the deceased who was my second child by my wife Eliza Black. I was at night work on Sat night last and I returned home on Sunday morning before sunrise and found that my wife had been confined of he deceased. Immediately before she appeared pretty well all Sunday until Monday afternoon when I was sent for. In returning home as the child was ill. On my return I found that the deceased was convulsed and she became worse and worse all thro that night and died early yesterday morning.
I did think when I first came that she was dangerously ill and that she was pst recovery an I was not able to afford to send for a medical man ot see her.
Robert Black (spidery hand)