This name is variously spelt DAW and DORR on the Inquest Index.
Unit 37
Item 35
JOHANNA DOW (Daw and Dorr on Inquest index)
15 March 1856
Death from natural causes
Matthew Hardy
Stephen Jose
James Hunt
Clement Frances Pope
John Brittin
Thomas Howell
Walter Browne
Henry Palmer
John Bevan
James Deavis
William Hemal
William Preson
Her death was accidental by being drowned in a water hole on Sat the fifteenth inst at Little Bendigo, Ballarat
Witness Helen Dow
The deceased was quite well this morning and had her breakfast. I last saw the deceased playing about the water hole which is near my tent. And I first missed her about half past eight o’clock am and immediately went in search of her for about a quarter of an hour and on my return I heard that the deceased had been found in the water hole and she then appeared quite dead. There was another child playing with the deceased when I last saw her alive of about the same age two years old. I am the mother of the deceased who was two years old.
Witness Emma Browne
At about half past eight o’clock am this day the last witness, Mrs Dow came to my tent enquiring if I had seen her child the deceased. I said that I had not seen her and I went out instantly to help her in search of deceased. I first went and searched Mrs Dow’s own tent. I then went to the water holes. In one of which I saw the arm of the deceased above the water in the hole and AI then called our neighbours Mrs Walker and Mrs Stevens to help me lift the deceased out of the hole and we then brought he body which appeared quite dead into my tent where there was a good fire and every measure in our powers were used to resuscitate it but all in vain. AI also sent for a doctor to Dr Sewell at the “Native Youth” hut. He said that he was unable to leave his place.