• Born Born 1847, Hobart Town, Australia

RC, Both reads and writes

1873- 5’2”, stout, sallow, black hair, hazel eyes

22 Jan 1874 received Ballarat Gaol
Ballarat gaol obscene language-3 mths impris

28 June 1877 received Ballarat Gaol
Occupier of a house etc.
6 months imprisonment

19 Sep 1881 received Ballarat Gaol
Larceny – 6 mths impris

22 Nov 1884 received Ballarat Gaol
Habitual drunkard. 6 mths
Mar 1885 Disobedience of orders 3 days solitary confinement
Mar 1885 Disobedience of orders 3 days solitary confinement
2 May 1885 To Freedom

19 Aug 1889 received Ballarat Gaol
Occupying a house frequented by persons having no visible lawful means of support. – 12 mths imprisonment

18 May 1892 received Ballarat Gaol – idle and disorderly
6 months- 25 October 1892 to freedom by remission

VPRS 516/P0000, p. 295 charge sheet 2271

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