VPRS 24/P0
Unit 37
Item 40
Eliza Ethersay
22 March 1856
Death from natural causes
Death caused by puerperal peritonitis arising from the chronic disease of the uterus of long standing and protracted labour and we consider that there is not any blame to be attributed to the medical attendants and her death took place on Frid 21 inst
Joseph Charles Byrne
James McKissock
Francis Turner
Joseph Holmes
John O’Brien
Joshua Ware
Stephen Lingham
Alexander McKewric
Alfred Ronald
Frederick Taylor
Williakm Lloyd
AJoseph Corp
Witness: Edward Duffin Allison
Medical practitioner
Ottoman Lenser?
24 March 1856
I am not a qualified medical practitioner in this colony. I am a doctor of Medicine of the University of Berlin. And am practicing my profession in this colony for upwards of two years. I was engaged to attend upon the deceased in her expected confinement some weeks ago and was called to attend her on Wed the 12th inst. I found very slight labour pains then on her and I heard that the waters had broken that morning. An examination of os uteri I found it hard rugged and fissured
Description of birth material.
James Sutherland MD
Post Mortem found a string of abscesses between something and something of the bowels.
Gangrene of the intestines