Number 29, January 1857
Inquest held at Ballarat on the Body of Jane Maddern [deserted wife]
(Although it is stated that Jane Maddern is a deserted wife – she appears to be helped by her husband, William Maddern)
Inquest held at Australia Felix Hotel Ballarat before George Clendenning
John Shaw
Thomas Hodges
Allen Partrige Bones
Philip Haman Troon
Patrick Downing
John Hall
Francis Gellier
James Jory
James Whiting
James Harr Scot ?????
Daniel Millar
James Blang who being good and lawful men of Victoria
The Said Jane Madderm came by her death, do say upon their oath that her death took place on 29 instant and was caused by the effects of extensive burns accidentally received from her clothes having been caught fire on Wed 28th inst
Examination of Thomas Scott miner of Ballarat
That I was working down on the flat at my hole about four o’clock yesterday – I saw deceased cooking at a fire outside her tent for some time before and soon after I saw a small blaze at the bottom of her clothes and she went into her tent and came out immediately after when the blaze became stronger and the deceased began to cry out for help and to run across the hill to and from her tent – when she came out of that tent she made down on for the flat – when her husband caught her and some others and put out the flames – after which I saw her carried to her own tent – the tent she ran into with last was about 20 yards from her own tent. She must have been seriously burned when her husband caught her.
Thomas Scottt
The examination of William Maddern of Ballarat
I am husband to the deceased and about four o’clock pm yesterday the deceased was outside baking bread – and I was down near the creek about 100 yards from the tent when I saw the deceased running along before the tent door with her clothes all on fire. I ran up to her assistance and with the help of others – we put out the flames – I then got deceased into her bed and sent for a medical man who saw her immediately – but she died this day about three o’clock pm – Both my arms and right hand were burned in […] to put out the flames
William Maddern X
Thadeus L Molony Surgeon of Ballarat
I am a legally qualified medical practitioner in the Colony of Victoria and I was called in yesterday at about five o’Clock to see the deceased – and found her lying in bed – with he body and upper and lower extremities extensively burned – her face was also burned slightly – Her pulse was quick but respiration natural – I saw her again at half past six o’clock pm and found her calmer, pulse slower and respiration natural – I saw her again at 8 o’clock pm with Dr Holser – Her pulse was then more feeble and quicker and respiration natural – She then got an analgesic and stimulant mixture – I saw her again this morning at 8 o’clock – she had passed a restless night and was much more feeble and sinking – with respiration slightly laborious – I saw her again about 11 o’clock this morning – she was then still sinking – with laboured breathing and stomach very irritable which continued until her death about ½ past 2 o’clock pm this day – I dressed the burns when called with some Caster oil liniment and cotton
Thadeus L Molony