VPRS 24 / Box 24
Item 132
Phillis Richards Castlemaine accidental death by fire on 30 December at Mount Franklin Howlett coroner 2 Jan 1854
Inquisition taken at Mt Franklin
Richard Goldstone
Henry Horsay
Robert Little
William Little
James Yates
David Edward Rowland
William Trelear
George Woodlands
John Thomas King
James White
George Dunn
Edward Phillips all of Mt Franklin
Witness Henry Horsey gold digger living at Tipperary Point Mt Franklin. Father in law of Phillis Richards. Deceased was at work on Friday afternoon the 30th inst When a friend of mine told me that the child was burnt. I went home and found her very much burnt but still able to speak. She said she went to the fireplace and her pinafore caught fire, she ran out and the men wrapped some blankets around her; a doctor was with her when I got home and tried what he could to cure her, but without success, she died about 12 o’clock, the same night. She was about 7 years old. Her mother is dead and there was no one in the tent when the accident occurred except the deceased.
Witness – Richard Goldstones of Glenlyon
I am a duly qualified medical practitioner residing at Glenlyon. I was sent for on Friday night the 30th ist to see the deceased Phillis Richards. I went very early next morning and found the child dead. She was dreadfully burned all over the body. The sores had been dressed very skilfully tho not by a medical man. From the manner in which she was burnt it would be quite impossible for her to survive many hours.
Richard Goldstone