Inquest held at Ballarat on Susan Allen 15 Feb 1857
Inquest taken at Italian Gully Ballarat
Coroner George Clendenning
John Iles
George Shunfield
William Blackwood
Thomas Burke
James Petters
Edwin Hall
Michael Tierney
William barker
Murtogh Curtis
Daniel Morrison
Edmund Mortenson
He death took place on the 13th inst caused by infarction and gangrene of bowels brought on by a strangulated hernia.
Examination of Carlotte Adelaide Henderson of Italian Gully
I attended on the deceased in her confinement a fortnight ago – she recovered perfectly from her confinement and was up on the 6th day after. I went every morning to wash and dress the child and on Thursday I remained there washing until four o’clock pm and then deceased seemed tolerably well but weak – she had not complained to me of anything and on Friday morning I saw Mr Allen and I asked him for deceased and he then told me that she had been vomiting all night – but that she seemed then easier and gave her some gruel for breakfast. After some time after about 11 o’clock am I went over as usual to look after the child and when I went into the tent I though she was asleep but found that she was quite dead with her arms and hands stretched over her head. I did not touch her I was so frightened and terrified. I then went to the doctor and told him of it and he went to the tent immediately.
Charlotte Adelaide Henderson
Examination of Louis Saenger MD and surgeon of Italian Gully
The deceased was confined by me of a daughter about a forthnight ago and I was in the habit of calling in to see her occasionally since – I saw her on the last time alive on Thursday last the 12th inst and she then complained of a groping pain in her bowels which yielded to the applications of hot cloths and comutations – I did not hear anything more of her until I heard of her death from Mrs Henderson – which I could not at all account for.