Unit 23 1854/43
Item 43
Julia Field
14 April 1854
Inquest held at Ballarat on the body of Julia Field
Death the result of habitual intemperance
Henry Morgan
Thomas Hugh Stanfield
John Robert Murray
Benjamin Woodcock xx
Jackson Barry
John Ivey x
Thomas Daniels
James McDonald
James Wilson
Thomas Coulson
Charles Hymes x
Francis Osley all of Balalrat
Deposition of Witness
Marmaduke Tyoid?? Teziod??
At half past four yesterday I went for the doctor to come and prescribed for her. She took 2 doses of medicine out of the bottle I went to see the deceased two hours after taking the medicine and saw that she ws dying upon which I called the neighbour to see her and know how I should act.
Q by coroner Was the deceased in the habit of drinking much?
Ans Yes
2nd Q Have you seen her drunk?
Ans She has not been sober for the last 10 days.
Marmaduke Tozier or Tozur? (His signature very fluent)
I was sent for yesterday coming about half past four April 18 to her the deceased. The person who came said she was mad from drink. I prescribed for her but it was useless my remaining in attendance on her.
Coroner Is it your opinion that deceased died from drink?
Answer: Yes