Charlotte lived at Eureka and gave evidence at the inquest of Francis Green who was a mate of her husband.
VPRS 24 / Box 24, Item 27
Frances Green at Eureka in on 13 Jan 1855 Death by natural causes
Patrick Downey
Thomas Cairns
James Smith
Robert Liston
John O’Brien
John Woods
James O’Connor
Alexander Taylor
Thomas Lawrie
William Deuney
James Manning all of Eureka
Witness – Robert Carr of Eureka
I was called into the deceased but he was dead before I arrived …
Witness George Cummins of Eureka
I am the proprietor of a refreshment tent, and have known the deceased about 18 months. The deceased came to my tent abut 1 o’c on the 11th inst, he appeared to me to be in bad health, I gave him about ½ a glass of wine as he appeared exhausted, he then asked to be allowed to lay down, he fell asleep, and snored heavily, I got up to him about midnight I asked him if he were unwell, he answered yes. Mrs Cummins bathed his head, and gave him a Seidlitz powder, he appeared something better the next morning, but still seemed oppressed with sleep and disinclined to speak, I did not send for a medical man as I did not think that he was very ill, but about past 2 he appeared to get worse, and I fetched a medical man, but deceased died before he arrived.
I was not aware until after his death that he had been previously in bad health.
He appeared to be sober when he came into my tent but had the appearance of having come from a debauch.
He only took half a glass of sherry whilst in my tent
Q by a juror
The deceased was a digger, his pockets were searched before witnesses and contained ₤5 17 shilling and ninepence, and about ½ an ounce of gold dust (produced)
George Cumming.
Witness – Charlotte McKay of Eureka
I have known the deceased about a year and a ½ he has been a mate of my husband for about 12 months, he is of temperate habits, but occasionally has been the worse for drink, His health for the last 4 months has been very bad, he suffered from dysentery, which reduced him greatly. I have been nursing him during that time. He has been to work scarcely a fortnight, I saw him last Thursday at his own tent about 2 o’clock; he appeared to be quite well and sober I did not see him afterwards
He has never been nervous from drinking. The day after Christmas was the last time I saw him worse for drink.