Amelia Painter was a neighbour of the deceased Anne Bassett and attended her when she was ill. Painter was a witness at the inquest.


Box 49 1857/104

Item 104

Anne Bassett 

Ballarat, 18 August 1857

Internal Hemorrage and strangulated hernia


Martin Quinn

Stefano Mitta

Charles Winter

James Darnley

Alexander McFee

James Menns

William Barr

Jacob Zolck (his signature Zoclk)

Conrad Lenz

John Bryson

Jacob Hansen

Daniel Edwards

Of Victoria


George Bassett, miner

The deceased was my wife and have been married three years to her and on Saturday last about two o’clock pm I was called into my own tent by Mrs Amelia Painter as the deceased had taken ill and when I went in I found the deceased getting into bed and complaining of pain in the lower part of her bowels and in an hour or two vomiting came on. I then went to a druggists and got some medicine and I gave her two powders which did not seem to make any change in her. I then returned to my work and I was sent for again after sundown. I then found the deceased much worse and she vomited again ? but she gradually go worse and died about nine o’clock pm. I went again to the druggists shop before she died and he came back with me but the deceased had died. The deceased has been in the habit of wearing a truss during the day time for the last two years.


Amelia Painter

I have known the deceased about seven weeks and live next tent to hers. I was in my tent about two o’clock pm on Saturday last and I head the deceased groaning and I went in to see what ailed her.  I found her complaining of great pain in her bowels. I put a hot flannel on the part. I then called her husband to her and I heard her vomiting. I went back to my own tent and I did not see her again until about six or seven o’clock pm when her husband asked me to remain with her whilst he went up to the druggists shop. I gave her some hot coffee which she vomited up immediately and her husband returned with some medicine and gave her a powder which did not stop the sickness. Her husband then went to his work and soon after I sent for him again as the deceased was getting worse and she continued to get worse and she died about ten o’clock pm.

Amelia Painter (signed)

Louis Saenger

Doctor of Medicine

I have this day made a post mortem examination of body of the deceased and on opening the abdomen I found a large quantity of partly fluid and partly congealed blood in the casity? Of peritoneum. There was about four or five pounds of blood in it. I found several black spots on small intestines. There was a large appendix suspended from right ovarium consisting of a network of blood vessels. The right ingunae? Canal was somewhat enlarged and my belief and opinion is that this masrular? Appendix formed a hernia which became strangulated and gangrene extent? Form which followed the hemorrhage with cavity of abdomen. The hettles? of the appendix were all quite empty and its base was gangrenous including part of the peritonium and her death was caused from internal hemorrhage ? with a strangulated hernia.