The population of Victoria rapidly increased as a result of the gold rushes. It is reported that it grew from 77,000 in 1851 to 237,000 in 1854. Victoria had a population of 411,000 by 1857.
During the gold rushes, the majority of the international arrivals were from Britain. Between 1851 and 1860, an estimated 300,000 people came to Australian colonies from England and Wales, with another 100,000 from Scotland and 84,000 from Ireland. Gold seekers from Germany, Italy and North America also made the journey to Australia in search of gold. Just over 5,000 people from New Zealand and other South Pacific nations, and at least 42,000 people from China, also arrived in Australia during the 1850s gold rushes. During this period, the colony of Victoria received 60 per cent of all immigrants to Australia.
Reference eGold: